When you have the lowest expectation, that's when you usually have a blast of a night!
I am not a big fan of Whitesnake - I only know a few of their biggest hits - but these guys definitely knew what they were doing last night. And Joel Hoekstra was so cute! My former colleague Silvia knows I am into long hair, so she gave me "the look" when he came closer to our end of the stage and then started his amazing guitar solo (see video below) <3
I have to say though - I have been disappointed a few times by the rock/metal crowd in Stockholm. You can't have Whitesnake headbanging right under your nose and just stand there still with your arms crossed. Same was at Metallica's (!!!) concert - I am usually one of the few ones jumping around trying to overcompensate as I feel sorry for the band. Why do you guys keep these pretty long blond hairs if you are not going to use them? :) I am thinking this may be due to the fact that there wasn't any beer allowed there. Rock concert without beer - imagine that! David Coverdale was the only one having a sip every now and then.
The audience was also kind of older this time, and if there was one good thing about it, is that there was no jungle of mobile phones up in the air. And there wasn't any groping either, my non-scientific explanation is that we are talking higher IQ levels here (rock fans -you know...) ;)
With my new Metallica shirt! #dagensoutfit :)